Monday, July 4, 2022

Newton 1st law of motion and innertia relation

 Newtons first law of motion

If external force is excerted upon an object then static object will remain static and dynamic object will remain dynamic.

Let an object is static,

If no force excert on it no work will happen. Object will not change its location. Object will not get any motion.

On the other hand without force dynamic object will remain dynamic. 

Friction is a force that restrict the motion of object by opposite direction and make it static.

If we look at the definition of innertia. We find that innertia is a property of object to remaining its existing state, dynamic or static. Dynamic object tends to dynamic and static object tends to static.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 Electronegativity is the capasity of an atom attracting electron to itself.

Electronegativity of an atom is depends on its atomic radius. The increased atomic radius indicates its lower attraction to electron. Hence, lower the electronegativity. 

Atom of right side of same period of periodic table indicates its lower radius due to increased electron and proton number. Hence, shows gradual increase in electronegativity.

Sunday, June 26, 2022


 Electrolysis is a process held by electric current to seperate ions from a molecules in liquid state or in solution.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Hydrogen Bond

 Hydrogen Bond is a weak bond between Hydrogen Ion and Hydroxide ion of two molecule. 

For example, In water hydrogen is partially positively charged and hydroxil is partially negatively charged. Both two partially charged ion attrack each other and molecules are bonded together. This is Hydrogen Bond. 

Hydrogen Bond does not act between to atom, rather bond between two molecules.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Cloudy and fog like objects

 Beyond our milky way any cloudy or fog like object may found which is produced from stars. During supernovae explosion these massive object detouched from stars. These are Fuzzy nebulous object.

Read details about Fuzzy Nebulous object

Fuzzy Nebulos Object

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Control skin pigmentation

 Skin pigmentation controlling is a very important task for maintaining the skin beauty. Pigmentation means decoloration of skin. Specially, skin of faces, necks suffers in pigmentation for different causes.

Read details about Skin Pigmentation

Skin Pigmentation

Success of bohrs atomic model

 At first Rutherford introduces first atomic model to describe the atomic structure which is called Rutherford atomic model. It is compared with the solar system model else. But only major limitation of it was that it can not explain the cause of spectrum of hydrogen atom. Hence, Bohrs atomic model established that can explain the spectrum of hydrogen atom.

Read details about Bohrs atomic model

Bohrs atomic model

Newton 1st law of motion and innertia relation

 Newtons first law of motion If external force is excerted upon an object then static object will remain static and dynamic object will rema...